Mots-clés Archives: Monteverdi

« Les contes d’Hoffmann », Offenbach, from september 11th to december 13th, Sydney

In an artis­tic coup for our natio­nal ope­ra com­pa­ny, Richard Hickox conducts a new pro­duc­tion of The Tales of Hoff­mann direc­ted by Stuart Maun­der and fea­tu­ring one of Aus­tra­lia’s most exci­ting artists, Emma Mat­thews, playing four dif­ferent roles to create Hoff­mann’s ulti­mate woman. The star­ry-eyed Hoff­mann is entran­ced by Olym­pia, sedu­ced by Giu­liet­ta and obses­sed by fra­gile Anto­nia, and when he …

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