Opéra de Sydney, du 4 janvier au 29 mars 2008 : Carmen mène la vie de Bohème et aime aller au Bal masquée !


Car­men – G. Bizet
From : 24 Janua­ry 2008 – To : 28 March 2008

« Car­men has an ico­nic sen­sua­li­ty but, most of all, she is a free spi­rit. » Fran­ces­ca Zambello

Who is that woman ? The way she moves, those eyes, that voi­ce… Is Car­men the ulti­mate femme fatale ? Ope­ra Aus­tra­lia is thril­led to present a new pro­duc­tion of ’s most famous , direc­ted by Fran­ces­ca Zam­bel­lo, and conduc­ted by Ope­ra Aus­tra­lia’s Direc­tor Richard Hickox. Zam­bel­lo’s pro­duc­tion, crea­ted for the Royal Ope­ra House, Covent Gar­den, is grit­ty and exo­tic, while Bizet’s seduc­tive score some­how taps straight into the heart of gyp­sy song.

Car­men’s stea­my “Haba­ne­ra” is char­ged with raw pas­sion and the fie­ry cho­ruses will fill eve­ry inch of the theatre. Don José is not the first man to fall for Car­men’s seduc­tive wiles, and nor will he be the last. But the mys­te­rious gyp­sy leads this inno­cent sol­dier from his duty into a world of bull­figh­ting, smug­gling and wild dan­cing, where the turn of a card will decide his fate, and hers. Kirs­tin Chà¡vez has crea­ted Bizet’s bewit­ching heroine on stages across Ame­ri­ca. Now she comes to Syd­ney to star in this com­pel­ling new pro­duc­tion, while the spi­ri­ted Pame­la Helen Ste­phen who has tur­ned heads on stages across Europe and the US, will make her Mel­bourne debut in the title role.


La Bohème – G.
From : 4 Janua­ry 2008 – To : 20 March 2008

Life may not be easy, but it is beau­ti­ful in this tale of young love in . Ever since its first per­for­mances Puc­ci­ni’s La bohème has been adored.

A chance mee­ting by moon­light, a street-side café and the artists” gar­ret — they all come alive through Puc­ci­ni’s music, which deli­ca­te­ly cap­tures love at first sight, you­th­ful exu­be­rance and the sor­row of loss. This real­ly is musi­cal sto­ry­tel­ling at its best. Ope­ra Aus­tra­lia pre­sents a bohème for now — roman­tic as ever, but with the buzz of a contem­po­ra­ry set­ting and an outs­tan­ding cast. Let your­self be car­ried away by the soa­ring voices of some of Aus­tra­lia’s finest artists under the baton of brilliant young Ita­lian Gio­van­ni Reggioli.

BalloUn bal­lo in masche­ra – G.
From : 20 Februa­ry 2008 – To : 29 March 2008

Decep­tion and dis­guise rule at the Swe­dish court of King Gus­tav III. While the bene­volent ruler plans a grand mas­que­rade for the plea­sure of his sub­jects, a band of conspi­ra­tors are plot­ting his end.

The trai­tors, howe­ver, will only suc­ceed if they can enlist an ally close to the king. Enter fate. In the end the only true conspi­ra­tor in Ver­di’s vivid­ly craf­ted tale is love. For, in spite of the exter­nal machi­na­tions of a king­dom in tur­moil, the real dra­ma plays out inter­nal­ly, through Ver­di’s evo­ca­tive orches­tral wri­ting, his lush melo­dies and one of ope­ra’s grea­test love duets ever. The per­for­mers who brought Il tro­va­tore to such thril­ling life in Syd­ney and Mel­bourne during 2007 are back for this clas­sic pro­duc­tion with Andrea Lica­ta conducting.

Carmen (Kirstin Chà¡vez)

À propos : Fabien

Après avoir travaillé le chant au Centre d'Arts Polyphoniques de Paris, il entre en 1995 au Conservatoire de Gagny où il est l'élève d'Evelyne Razimowsky en classe de Chant et de Jean-Louis Calvani en classe d'Art Lyrique. Il poursuit ensuite son perfectionnement avec Florence Montana au Conservatoire de Vincennes, puis au Conservatoire de Musique de Nouvelle Calédonie.

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