Centre d’Arts de Melbourne : Don Giovanni, W.A. Mozart, from 14 November 2007 to 14 December 2007

Don Giovanni – W.A. Mozart

Set in the Spa­nish Catho­lic socie­ty of the 17th Cen­tu­ry, it places the flam­boyant free­dom-loving sedu­cer in the most moral­ly repres­sive envi­ron­ment pos­sible, but Don Gio­van­ni’s refu­sal to repent makes him one of the first great modern anti-heroes.

Ted­dy Tahu Rhodes pulls on his thigh length boots once more to sing the role which he has made his own. Joi­ning him is John Pringle as his jaded side­kick Lepo­rel­lo, Kate Lad­ner as Don­na Anna and Fio­na Janes as feis­ty Don­na Elvi­ra. Tif­fa­ny Speight is Zer­li­na to Richard Ander­son’s Maset­to and, as the Com­men­da­tore, fel­low New Zea­lan­der Jud Arthur will stop Ted­dy Tahu Rhodes in his tracks. To conduct this mas­ter­piece, Ope­ra Aus­tra­lia wel­comes Hun­ga­rian Imre Pal­là³, making his debut with the company.

Don Giovanni – W.A. Mozart
From : 14 November 2007 – To : 14 December 2007

Don Gio­van­ni
Ted­dy Tahu Rhodes

Bari­tone Ted­dy Tahu Rhodes was born in Christ­church and stu­died with Mary Adams Tay­lor. At the age of twen­ty, he recei­ved the Dame Sis­ter Mary Leo Scho­lar­ship, and in 1991 he won the Mobil Song Quest. In Lon­don in 1991–1992, Ted­dy stu­died with Rudolf Pier­nay at Guil­dhall, and sub­se­quent­ly with David Har­per, and he was a fina­list in The Kath­leen Fer­rier Award. In 1999, he repre­sen­ted New Zea­land in the Car­diff Sin­ger of the World com­pe­ti­tion.

Ted­dy’s inter­na­tio­nal appea­rances include a reci­tal in Lon­don in the Young Song­ma­kers Alma­nac Series, a per­for­mance at the Salt Lake City Inter­na­tio­nal Concert Series, and a tour of Japan with Christ­church pia­nist Mau­rice Till. His frequent enga­ge­ments throu­ghout New Zea­land include Mar­cel­lo in Puc­ci­ni’s La Bohème for Can­ter­bu­ry , Méphis­to­phé­lès in a concert ver­sion of Gou­nod’s Faust for Christ­church City Choir, Tip­pett’s A Child of Our Time with NZSO, and Esca­mil­lo in an are­na pro­duc­tion of ’s Car­men in Auckland.

Ted­dy made his Aus­tra­lian ope­ra­tic début in 1998 as Dan­di­ni in ’s La Cene­ren­to­la for Ope­ra Aus­tra­lia. The fol­lo­wing year, he sang Shar­pless in Puc­ci­ni’s Mada­ma But­ter­fly with Can­ter­bu­ry Ope­ra ; Sil­vio in ’s I Pagliac­ci and Mar­cel­lo for Ope­ra New Zea­land ; Han­del’s Mes­siah in Mel­bourne, Syd­ney and Dune­din ; and concerts with Christ­church Sym­pho­ny and at the Spray Farm Sum­mer Fes­ti­val in Australia.

His enga­ge­ments include a return to Ope­ra Aus­tra­lia as the Count in Mozart’s Mar­riage of Figa­ro and Deme­trius in ’s A Mid­sum­mer Night’s Dream ; Mozart’s “Coro­na­tio­n” Mass with Syd­ney Sym­pho­ny Orches­tra ; Mes­siah and Fau­ré’s Requiem with Queens­land Sym­pho­ny Orches­tra ; Mozart’s Requiem for Mel­bourne  ; his début recor­ding for ABC Clas­sics of the bari­tone solos in Fau­ré’s Requiem and La Nais­sance de Vénus ; and a return to Syd­ney for Mes­siah and Bach’s St John Pas­sion. In Sep­tem­ber, Ted­dy made his Ame­ri­can début with San Fran­cis­co Ope­ra as Joe in the world pre­mière of Jake Heg­gie’s Dead Man Wal­king, an ope­ra based on the film of the same name.

In 2001 he joins Ope­ra Aus­tra­lia as resident prin­ci­pal artist, per­for­ming the roles of Gugliel­mo in Mozart’s Cosଠfan tutte, Count Boni Kà¡ncsià¡nu in Kà¡lmà¡n’s The Gip­sy Prin­cess, Bel­core in Doni­zet­ti’s L’e­li­sir d’a­more, and the Herald in Wag­ner’s Lohen­grin, and will sing Mozart’s Requiem with the Tas­ma­nian Symphony.

Ted­dy is des­cen­ded from the pio­nee­ring Rhodes bro­thers who were far­ming on Banks Penin­su­la before the First Four Ships arri­ved in 1850.

Il Com­men­da­tore
Jud Arthur

Since his debut with Ope­ra Ota­go in 1992, Bass-Bari­tone Jud Arthur has been a regu­lar per­for­mer both in New Zea­land and Aus­tra­lia. In New Zea­land, Jud has per­for­med the roles of Nou­ra­bad in The Pearl Fishers in Auck­land and Wel­ling­ton, Ram­phis in the Wel­ling­ton sea­son of Aida, and Comte des Grieux in Manon in Auck­land and Wel­ling­ton for NBR New Zea­land Ope­ra ; Mon­te­rone in Rigo­let­to, Zarets­ki in Eugene One­gin and Maset­to and Com­men­da­tore in Don Gio­van­ni for Wel­ling­ton City Opera ;
Wag­ner in Gou­nod’s Faust, Mar­chese d’O­bi­gny in La Tra­via­ta and Ban­quo in Mac­beth as well as Zuni­ga in the are­na per­for­mances of Car­men for Alan Smythe Spe­cial Events for Ope­ra New Zea­land ; Zuni­ga, Lodo­vi­co in Otel­lo, Ange­lot­ti in Tos­ca, Spa­ra­fu­cile in Rigo­let­to for Can­ter­bu­ry Ope­ra ; the Bonze in Mada­ma But­ter­fly for Natio­nal Ope­ra of Wel­ling­ton and Zac­ca­ria in Nabuc­co for Ope­ra Wan­ga­nui and Rai­mon­do in Lucia di Lam­mer­moor for Hawkes Bay Ope­ra ; Ange­lot­ti in Tos­ca, The Mika­do in The Mika­do and Don Alham­bra in The Gon­do­liers for Ope­ra Ota­go ; and Javert in Les Mise­rables for the Dune­din Ope­ra­tic Society.

Jud’s enga­ge­ments in Aus­tra­lia include Ange­lot­ti in Tos­ca and The Spea­ker in The Magic Flute in 1999 and Col­line in La Boheme in 2001, all in Mel­bourne for Ope­ra Aus­tra­lia, Frere Laurent in Romeo et Juliette and a soloist in the concert entit­led Magni­fi­co ‑Great Ope­ra Encores in 2000 for State Ope­ra of South Aus­tra­lia as well as Basi­lio in The Bar­ber Of Seville for West Aus­tra­lian Ope­ra and the bass soloist in Haydn’s The Crea­tion for the Tas­ma­nian Sym­pho­ny Orchestra.

In 2005 for Ope­ra Aus­tra­lia Jud’s roles inclu­ded Che­lio in The Love for Three Oranges, Zuni­ga in Car­men, Col­line in La Boheme, Duke of Vero­na in Romeo et Juliet and Ange­lot­ti in Tos­ca. He also appea­red in Ope­ra Aus­tra­lia’s New Year’s Eve Gala Concert and in Mozart’s Requiem and Bee­tho­ven’s 9th Sym­pho­ny, at Syd­ney Ope­ra House.

Jud’s 2006 roles for Ope­ra Aus­tra­lia were the Bonze in Mada­ma But­ter­fly, Spea­ker in Die Zau­ber­flote, Dot­tore Gren­vil in La Tra­via­ta, Mon­te­rone in Rigo­let­to, Nila­kan­tha in Lakme and Timur in Turan­dot. In May he appea­red in Can­ter­bu­ry Ope­ra’s 21st Bir­th­day Gala Concert and recent­ly sang Zac­ca­ria in Nabuc­co for West Aus­tra­lian Opera.

Don­na Anna
Kate Lad­ner

Kate Lad­ner trai­ned at the Queens­land Conser­va­to­rium. She has per­for­med Susan­na in Le Nozze di Figa­ro (Ope­ra Aus­tra­lia, State Ope­ra of South Aus­tra­lia and West Aus­tra­lian Ope­ra), First Lady in Die Zau­ber­flôte, Fras­qui­ta in Car­men, Celes­tial Voice in Don Car­los, Stel­la in Les Contes d’Hoff­mann, Nan­net­ta in Fal­staff, Zer­li­na in Don Gio­van­ni, Cune­gonde in Can­dide, Zer­li­na (Ope­ra NZ), Mar­zel­line in Fide­lio (Ope­ra Nor­thern Ire­land), Kons­tanze in Die Entfà¼h­rung aus dem Serail (Glyn­de­bourne Tou­ring Com­pa­ny), Vio­let­ta in La Tra­via­ta (UK tour);
Blonde in Die Entfà¼h­rung aus dem Serail (Stutt­gart Opera/Wiesbaden), Woglinde / Der Wald­vo­gel in Der Ring des Nibe­lun­gen (State Ope­ra of South Aus­tra­lia), Elvi­ra in L’i­ta­lia­na in Alge­ri, Fla­mi­nia in Il mon­do del­la luna, Nan­net­ta (Gar­sing­ton Ope­ra), Juliette in Roméo et Juliette (West Aus­tra­lian Ope­ra and State Ope­ra of South Australia).

Concert per­for­mances have inclu­ded Haydn’s Crea­tion (Can­ter­bu­ry), Mozart’s Requiem (English Cham­ber Orches­tra and Ulster Orches­tra), Mozart Concert Queens­land Phil­har­mo­nic Orches­tra ; solos in Men­dels­sohn’s Mid­sum­mer Night’s Dream (Queens­land Sym­pho­ny Orches­tra); title role in Manon (UK tour).

Don Otta­vio
Jae­woo Kim

Born in Korea, Jae­woo Kim moved to Queens­land in 1993 to stu­dy at the Queens­land Conser­va­to­rium of . During this time he appea­red in seve­ral ope­ras and per­for­med with the Queens­land Sym­pho­ny Orches­tra. Jae­woo com­ple­ted his Bache­lor of Music and post-gra­duate diplo­ma at the Can­ber­ra School of Music.

Jae­woo was a fina­list in the pres­ti­gious Natio­nal ABC Quest in 1995, win­ner of Ope­ra Foun­da­tion’s Metro­po­li­tan Ope­ra Awards, a contes­tant in the finals in New York in 1997, win­ner of the McDo­nalds Aria in 2000, and win­ner of the Aus­tra­lian Sin­ging Com­pe­ti­tion 2002 Glyn­de­bourne Fes­ti­val Ope­ra Award.

In 1998 he became a mem­ber of Ope­ra Aus­tra­lia’s Young Artists” Deve­lop­ment Pro­gram and he has been a prin­ci­pal artist for the com­pa­ny since 2000. His roles for Ope­ra Aus­tra­lia include Rodol­fo in La bohème, Alma­vi­va in Il bar­biere di Sivi­glia, Jac­qui­no in Fide­lio, Arbace in Ido­me­neo, Ser­vant in Capric­cio, Fran­ces­co in The Gon­do­liers, Gas­tone in La tra­via­ta, Fer­ran­do in Cosଠfan tutte, Song Vendor/Lover in Il tabar­ro, The She­pherd in Tris­tan und Isolde, Natha­nael in Les contes d’Hoff­mann, Gas­tone in La Tra­via­ta for The 2002 Parks Concert and Beppe in Pagliac­ci. Jae­woo has sung in many concerts for Ope­ra Aus­tra­lia, inclu­ding cele­bra­tion concerts for The Syd­ney Mor­ning Herald’s 500,000th issue and the 25th anni­ver­sa­ry of Ope­ra on the House. He also sang Rodol­fo in La bohème for Wel­ling­ton Natio­nal Opera.

As a concert artist, Jae­woo appea­red at Ope­ra in the Vineyard in Queens­land, in Haydn’s Nel­son Mass for Tas­ma­nian Sym­pho­ny, and gave a lunch­time reci­tal for broad­cast on ABC . His ever expan­ding Cho­ral reper­toire includes the masses of Schu­bert and Haydn and Men­dels­sohn’s Eli­jah for Can­ber­ra Cho­ral Socie­ty, Mah­ler’s 8th Sym­pho­ny for the Can­ber­ra Natio­nal Mul­ti­cul­tu­ral Fes­ti­val, Bach’s Christ­mas Ora­to­rio in Korea, Han­del’s Mes­siah at Syd­ney Town Hall and Lle­wel­lyn Hall and Bach’s St. John’s Pas­sion, Brit­ten’s Spring Sym­pho­ny and Janà¡cek’s Gla­go­li­tic Mass for the Lle­wel­lyn Choir. More recent concerts include Mes­siah for the Korean Phil­har­mo­nic Choir at Syd­ney Town Hall, Mes­siah in Sakha­lin and Mos­cow in Rus­sia under the baton of Lygia O’Rior­dan and Haydn’s The Crea­tion for Ope­ra Queensland.

Recent ope­ra­tic roles include Don Otta­vio in Don Gio­van­ni and Tami­no in The Magic Flute for Ope­ra Aus­tra­lia, Gerard in Lak­mé in New Zea­land for Can­ter­bu­ry Ope­ra and Arbace in a tou­ring pro­duc­tion of Ido­me­neo in Italy.

Roles in 2005 include Fer­ran­do in Cosi Fan Tutte in Syd­ney and Tami­no in Mel­bourne for Ope­ra Aus­tra­lia and Otta­vio in Don Gio­van­ni for NBR New Zea­land Ope­ra. Concert enga­ge­ments include Shepherd/Sailor in Tris­tan and Isolde for Queens­land Music Fes­ti­val in Bris­bane, Mes­siah with Syd­ney Phil­har­mo­nia, Cas­sio in Otel­lo and Bee­tho­ven 9 under the baton of Oleg Cae­ta­ni for Mel­bourne Sym­pho­ny as well as Bee­tho­ven 9 conduc­ted by Gian­lui­gi Gel­met­ti for Syd­ney Sym­pho­ny and Bee­tho­ven 9 for the Queens­land Orches­tra conduc­ted by Michael Christie.

In 2006 enga­ge­ments include the role of Tami­no in The Magic Flute in the Syd­ney Sum­mer sea­son and Gerard in a new pro­duc­tion of Lak­mé in Mel­bourne and Syd­ney for Ope­ra Australia.

Don­na Elvira
Fio­na Janes

Born in Syd­ney, Fio­na Janes is cur­rent­ly one of Aus­tra­lia’s lea­ding Mez­zo sopra­nos having wor­ked exten­si­ve­ly throu­ghout Aus­tra­lia and Europe. She stu­died at the New South Wales Conser­va­to­rium of Music and has been the win­ner of nume­rous awards and sin­ging com­pe­ti­tions, most nota­bly the 1983 Joan Suther­land Scho­lar­ship, 1986 Aus­tra­lian Sin­ging Com­pe­ti­tion, win­ner of the inau­gu­ral 1991 Remy Mar­tin Scho­lar­ship and the 1995 Vien­na State Ope­ra Award.

She joi­ned Ope­ra Aus­tra­lia’s Young Artist Pro­gramme in 1988 and since then has been a regu­lar Guest Prin­ci­pal Artist for the com­pa­ny per­for­ming all the major mez­zo reper­toire inclu­ding : ‘Dorabella,” ‘Zerlina,” ‘Cherubino,” ‘Annio,” ‘Mercedes,” ‘Lola,” ‘Javotte,” ‘Tessa,” ‘Kate Pin­ker­ton,” ‘Sesto” in both Julius Cae­sar & La Cle­men­za di Tito, ‘Angelina” in La Cene­ren­to­la, ‘Rosina in Il bar­biere di Sivi­glia,” ‘Isabella” in L’i­ta­lia­na in Algie­ri,” ‘Composer” in Ariadne auf Naxos, ‘Adalgisa” in Nor­ma and most recent­ly ‘Mistress Qui­ck­ly” in Fal­staff. For her per­for­mances as ‘Angelina” and ‘Adalgisa” she recei­ved the Vic­to­rian Green Room Award.

She has also per­for­med ‘Siebel” in Faust for Vic­to­ria State Ope­ra & Ope­ra Queens­land, ‘Nero” in Aggrip­pi­na at the Bux­ton Fes­ti­val, ‘Rosina” for Nether­lands Ope­ra, English Natio­nal Ope­ra & Welsh Natio­nal Ope­ra, ‘Second Lady” in The Magic Flute for English Natio­nal Ope­ra, ‘Sesto” in La Cle­men­za di Tito for Glyn­de­bourne Tou­ring Ope­ra, ‘Idamante” in Ido­me­neo for Flan­ders Phil­ha­mo­nic in Ant­werp, ‘Margherite” in Dam­na­tion of Faust for the Royal Scot­tish Natio­nal Orches­tra & Ope­ra Queens­land, ‘Ascanio” in Les Troyens for LSO with Sir Colin Davis, ‘Angelina” at the Sem­pe­ro­per Dres­den & Ope­ra New Zea­land, ‘Scitalce” in Semi­ra­mide for Ros­si­ni Fes­ti­val in Ger­ma­ny with Richard Bonynge and has also wor­ked for the Royal Ope­ra House Covent Gar­den and Scot­tish Opera.

She has recent­ly recor­ded Meyer­beer’s Semi­ra­mide with Richard Bonynge soon to be relea­sed and Stra­vins­ky’s Pul­ci­nel­la for Naxos, Doni­zet­ti’s Pari­si­na for Ope­ra Rara, a Mozart Bicen­ten­nial Cele­bra­tion for ABC Clas­sics and Ope­ra Aus­tra­lia and has recor­dings of Cosi fan Tutte and Don Gio­van­ni both with Ope­ra Aus­tra­lia. Fio­na begins 2007 with a concert in the Syd­ney Myer Music Bowl, Mel­bourne and will per­form at Syd­ney Town Hall in a gala fun­drai­sing concert for the Can­cer Coun­cil Aus­tra­lia in March.


John Pringle AM


Tif­fa­ny Speight


Richard Ander­son

À propos : Fabien

Après avoir travaillé le chant au Centre d'Arts Polyphoniques de Paris, il entre en 1995 au Conservatoire de Gagny où il est l'élève d'Evelyne Razimowsky en classe de Chant et de Jean-Louis Calvani en classe d'Art Lyrique. Il poursuit ensuite son perfectionnement avec Florence Montana au Conservatoire de Vincennes, puis au Conservatoire de Musique de Nouvelle Calédonie.

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