« The Gondoliers », Gilbert & Sullivan, from september 18th to november 3rd, Sydney

Nothing is sacred when arch sati­rist, W.S. Gil­bert and musi­cal genius, Arthur Sul­li­van, get to work. So pre­pare your­self for a deli­cious­ly wicked treat, because The Gon­do­liers is back.Giuseppe and Mar­co spend their days on the magi­cal water­ways of Venice and their nights with their love­ly young wives. Life is good.

So when a royal dele­ga­tion from an unk­nown cor­ner of Spain arrives with impor­tant news, the gon­do­liers” res­ponse is somew­hat mixed. Reg Liver­more, Judi Connel­li and John Bol­ton Wood brought the house down in Mel­bourne last year and now this top comic team is bound for Syd­ney. With them come Antoi­nette Hal­lo­ran and Taryn Fie­big, Kanen Breen and Robert Ber­tram, and Ope­ra Aus­tra­lia’s ebul­lient cho­rus, who will break into song at eve­ry opportunity !

The Gondoliers – Gilbert & Sullivan
From : Sep 2007, Tue 18th – To : Nov 2007, Sat 3rd

Taryn Fie­big

Taryn Fie­big gra­dua­ted from the Uni­ver­si­ty of Wes­tern Aus­tra­lia in 1993 with a Bache­lor of in Cel­lo per­for­mance after which she com­men­ced trai­ning with Mol­ly McGurk and later with Megan Sutton.

It was her par­ti­cu­lar inter­est in ear­ly music reper­toire which won her two scho­lar­ships to the Dar­ting­ton Inter­na­tio­nal Sum­mer School in 1995 and 1996, stu­dying with Emma Kirk­by, Eve­lyn Tubb and Antho­ny Roo­ley conti­nuing her stu­dies with Eve­lyn Tubb in 1999 on an Arts WA Scho­lar­ship. Fur­ther stu­dy with Jane Man­ning was made pos­sible by a Chur­chill Fel­low­ship in 2000. She com­ple­ted the Emer­ging Per­for­mers Pro­gramme at the Aus­tra­lian in 2003, having stu­died with Gre­go­ry Yuri­sich and Patri­cia Price.

Domi­ni­ca Matthews

Domi­ni­ca Mat­thews com­ple­ted her Post­gra­duate Diplo­ma in Per­for­mance with Dis­tinc­tion at the Royal Nor­thern Col­lege of Music in 2004 and a Diplo­ma of Ope­ra, on scho­lar­ship, at The Syd­ney Conser­va­to­rium of Music in 2002. She cur­rent­ly stu­dies sin­ging with Caro­line Crawshaw.

Domi­ni­ca has achie­ved great suc­cess in com­pe­ti­tions in both the UK and Aus­tra­lia. Awards won include the 2005 Eli­za­beth Har­wood Memo­rial Award (RNCM), the 2005 Bri­gitte Fass­baen­der Lie­der Prize (RNCM), the Robin Kay Memo­rial Ope­ra Prize (RNCM), the 2005 Clon­ter Ope­ra Audience Prize and Run­ner-Up Award, the 2002 Nina Bar­den Memo­rial Scho­lar­ship, the 2001 2MBS-FM Young Per­for­mer of the Year and the 1997 Joan Suther­land Socie­ty Scho­lar­ship win­ner. She was also an Ian Pot­ter Foun­da­tion Grant reci­pient in 2003–2004.

Mar­co Palmieri
Kanen Breen

Born, Aus­tra­lia. Gra­duate Dea­kin Uni­ver­si­ty, 1994 – top ran­king gra­dua­ting student ; Asso­ciate Mem­ber of the Aus­tra­lian Col­lege of Educators

OA reper­toire – Mar­co : Gon­do­liers, Nan­ki Poo : Mika­do, Ralph : HMS Pina­fore, Flor­ville : Il Signor Bru­schi­no, Mono­sta­tos : Die Zau­ber­flôte, Camille : Mer­ry Widow, Mos­qui­to : Cun­ning Lit­tle Vixen, Sor­ce­rer : Dido and Aeneas, Dr Caius : Fal­staff, Sel­lem : Rake’s Pro­gress, Pong : Turan­dot, Pirel­li : Swee­ney Todd, Alma­vi­va : Il bar­biere di Sivi­glia, Natha­nael, Coche­nille, Pit­ti­chi­nac­cio, Frantz : Les contes d’Hoff­mann. Bit­ter Curse of Bag­gle­crunch, Lit­tle Dream (VSO Schools Com­pa­ny). Oz Ope­ra — Alma­vi­va : Bar­ber of Seville, Duke/Borsa : Rigo­let­to, Rodol­fo : La bohème. Rory : Love in the Age of The­ra­py (Oz Opera/MIAF).

Duke of Plaza-Toro
Reg Liver­more

Span­ning fif­ty years Reg’s thea­tri­cal career on and in tele­vi­sion includes achie­ve­ments as actor, author, direc­tor and desi­gner. As a per­for­mer he is remem­be­red for show stop­ping appea­rances in Hair and Jesus Christ Super­star, as the ori­gi­nal Dr Frank’n’­fur­ter in the Aus­tra­lian pro­duc­tion of The Rocky Hor­ror Show, and for his per­for­mance in the musi­cal Bar­num ; fol­lo­wing on from the major suc­cesses Bet­ty Blokk Bus­ter Fol­lies and Won­der Woman his series of ground-brea­king one man shows during the 1970s pro­pel­led him to the fore­front of Aus­tra­lian popu­lar theatre. In 2005/06 he star­red as Max Bia­ly­stock in the new Mel Brooks Musi­cal The Pro­du­cers. He recei­ved an AO in 1996, and an Aus­tra­lian Artists Crea­tive Fel­low­ship enabled him to write his bio­gra­phy Chap­ters and Chances publi­shed by Har­die Grant Books in 2004.

OA reper­toire : Lord Chan­cel­lor in Iolanthe, Duke of Pla­za-Toro in The Gon­do­liers, Major-Gene­ral Stan­ley in The Pirates of Penzance.

Duchess of Plaza-Toro
Judi Connel­li AM

Born, Aus­tra­lia. Diverse career includes ope­ra, ope­ret­ta, theatre, musi­cals, tele­vi­sion, caba­ret and recor­ding. Awards recei­ved : 4 MO’s, Green Room, Help­mann, New York’s Dra­ma­logue, New York Bis­tro. Recei­ved Order of Aus­tra­lia for ser­vices to theatre and cha­ri­ty, 2004.

OA reper­toire : Mother Goose : The Rake’s Pro­gress, Kati­sha : The Mika­do, Gol­da : Fidd­ler on the Roof, Zozo : The Mer­ry Widow, Mrs Lovett : Swee­ney Todd, Duchess of Pla­za-Toro : The Gondoliers.

Nata­lie Jones

Born, Aus­tra­lia. Bache­lor of Music Hons. (Uni­ver­si­ty of Mel­bourne) 1992. 1997 Herald Sun Aria Com­pe­ti­tion Winner.

OA reper­toire : Title role : Manon, Juliette : Roméo et Juliette, Zer­bi­net­ta : Ariadne auf Naxos, Queen of Night : Die Zau­ber­flôte, Muset­ta : La bohème, Gil­da : Rigo­let­to, Konstanze/Blonde : Abduc­tion from the Sera­glio, Susan­na : Le nozze di Figa­ro, Bub­ba : Sum­mer of the Seven­teenth Doll, Jose­phine : HMS Pina­fore, Adi­na : L’e­li­sir d’a­more, Casil­da : The Gon­do­liers, Mor­ga­na : Alcina.

Andrew Bruns­don

Born, Aus­tra­lia. Gra­duate Diplo­ma in Ope­ra from Syd­ney Conser­va­to­rium, 1996.

OA reper­toire : Nar­ra­both : Salome, Stre­phon : Iolanthe, Antho­ny Hope : Swee­ney Todd, Yama­do­ri : Mada­ma But­ter­fly, John­ny Dowd : Sum­mer of the Seven­teenth Doll, Dani­lo : The Mer­ry Widow, ’s Ninth Sym­pho­ny, Orpheus/Mercury : Orpheus in the Under­world, Steers­man : Der flie­gende Hollän­der, Alfred : Fle­der­maus, Ralph Racks­traw : HMS Pina­fore, Tybalt : Roméo et Juliette, Armed Man : Die Zau­ber­flôte, Luiz : Gon­do­liers, Gas­ton : La tra­via­ta, Samuel/Frederic : Pirates of Pen­zance, Pedrillo : Die Entfà¼h­rung aus dem Serail, Wal­ther : Tannhäuser.

Adele Johns­ton

Win­ner : Miet­ta’s Song Reci­tal Award 1997 ; Run­ner Up Mel­bourne Herald Sun Aria ; Fina­list McDo­nald’s Aria, 1991. Ensemble Studios.

OA reper­toire : Mar­cel­li­na : Le nozze di Figa­ro, Marianne Leit­met­ze­rin : Der Rosen­ka­va­lier, Public Opi­nion : Orpheus in the Under­world, Strol­ling Player : Death in Venice, Cou­sin Hebe : HMS Pina­fore, Swee­ney Todd, Suor Dol­ci­na : Suor Angelica.

Anna­belle Chaffey

Born, Aus­tra­lia. Gra­duate of Syd­ney Conser­va­to­rium Ope­ra School.

OA reper­toire : Gia­net­ta : L’e­li­sir d’a­more, Bare­na : Jenu­fa, Peep-Bo : The Mika­do, English Lady/Newspaper Sel­ler : Death in Venice, Orphan : Der Rosen­ka­va­lier Novice : Suor Ange­li­ca, Bri­des­maid : Der Fries­chà¼tz, Girl : Lulu, solo Chi­ches­ter Psalms, Fia­met­ta : The Gondoliers.

Mar­ga­ret Plummer

Born, Aus­tra­lia. Stu­died, Bache­lor of Music (Stu­dies), Syd­ney Conser­va­to­rium of Music.

OA reper­toire : Vit­to­ria : The Gon­do­liers, Han­sel : Han­sel and Gre­tel (Oz Ope­ra Schools Tour). Other Com­pa­nies : Dora­bel­la : Cosi fan tutte (Paci­fic Opera).

Vanes­sa Lewis

Born, Aus­tra­lia. Com­ple­ted a Bache­lor of Music (Per­for­mance) Honours in voice at Ade­laide Uni­ver­si­ty, 1991. Win­ner of the 1992 Arnold Mat­ters Vocal Scho­lar­ship and the 1993 State Ope­ra of South Aus­tra­lia Aria Award.

OA reper­toire : Appren­tice in Die Meis­ter­sin­ger von Nà¼rn­berg, Page in Rigo­let­to, Bri­des­maid in The Mar­riage of Figa­ro, mem­ber of the Cho­rus, Maid and ensemble in My Fair Lady, Vittoria/Giulia in The Gon­do­liers, Novice in Suor Ange­li­ca, Sis­ter Mar­tha in Dia­logues of the Car­me­lites, Bri­des­maid in Der Frei­schà¼tz, The Dog in The Cun­ning Lit­tle Vixen, Inez in Il tro­va­tore, Orphan in Der Rosen­ka­va­lier, French Mother/Beggar Woman in Death in Venice, Jano in Jenufa.

À propos : Fabien

Après avoir travaillé le chant au Centre d'Arts Polyphoniques de Paris, il entre en 1995 au Conservatoire de Gagny où il est l'élève d'Evelyne Razimowsky en classe de Chant et de Jean-Louis Calvani en classe d'Art Lyrique. Il poursuit ensuite son perfectionnement avec Florence Montana au Conservatoire de Vincennes, puis au Conservatoire de Musique de Nouvelle Calédonie.

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